If materials required by students, faculty or staff are not available, the interlibrary loan service can request them from other libraries. The supplying library has final approval on the request.
Books, journal articles, and DVDs can be obtained through the interlibrary loan service. Library staff are unable to request or supply textbooks or other required course materials.
Before requesting an Interlibrary Loan, always check the Lambton College Library's Online Catalogue first.
You may use the blank Interlibrary form to start the process. Any questions can be directed to ILL@lambtoncollege.ca or in person during regular library hours.
Loan periods are established by the lending library and generally range from two to four weeks.
Due dates for materials, along with special instructions, will accompany the material.
All Interlibrary Loans must be returned by the due date, unless other arrangements have been made with the library staff. The lending library will charge late fees for overdue materials.
The lending library makes the decision regarding renewals on borrowed materials.
Library staff may request a renewal on your behalf. To request a renewal, contact library staff at least three business days in advance of the original due date.
The borrower is financially responsible for any damage to or loss of Interlibrary Loan materials from the time they are picked up to the time they are returned.
If you lose or damage an item, contact ILL@lambtoncollege.ca immediately.