There are many ways to use streaming videos. You can
If you would like to learn more, contact us or visit us in the Library.
Our video streaming collections are for current students, faculty, and staff of Lambton College. If prompted for a username and password upon clicking a database link, you should see the myLambton Single-Sign On login pages.
Some databases have the option to make an account for accessing extra features. Unless instructed otherwise, any email and password can be used in creating these database-based accounts.
According to Fair Dealing under the Canadian Copyright Act, Lambton College faculty and staff may use these videos as part of classroom presentations. Lambton College students are also covered by Fair Dealings when using these videos in a presentation or assignment for their college courses. Proper citation and reference information is required when videos are used in slide show presentations, digital handouts, or assignments.
For more information, see the Copyright page. Questions can be directed to Rebecca Pearson.
The common formats for an APA citation of an online video or film are:
Person or group who uploaded video. (Date of publication). Title of video [Video]. Website host. URL
Director, D. D. (Director). (Date of publication). Title of motion picture [Film]. Production company.
To see more examples, go to the APA Documentation Guide created by the Communications Department at Lambton College. The most recent edition can always be found on D2L.