Study rooms 1-9 are available to students with reservations. Please visit our bookings page to make a reservation.
Room capacity is FOUR people per room except Room 4 which can hold EIGHT and Room 9 which can hold SIX.
The study rooms are not silent spaces due to the structure of the rooms nor do they provide complete privacy.
When a person is finished in a study room, the room should be left neat and free of garbage.
Backpacks, laptops, and other personal belongings are not to be left alone in study rooms. The library is not responsible if items are lost or damaged while left alone.
The person who booked the room is responsible for the cost of repairs or replacement of any damaged, destroyed, lost, or stolen items.
Computers and equipment are property of Lambton College. To use them in any way outside of their standard operation is considered damage.
Remotes for the multimedia devices and whiteboard marker sets can be borrowed from the circulation desk. These items must remain in the library.