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Use of Space Guidelines


The library strives to be a place where everyone feels welcome to study, collaborate, and develop new skills. By working together, we can create a shared space that is comfortable for everyone. 

Cell Phones and Noise

The library’s layout makes it difficult to manage noise levels. We ask that everyone speak as quietly as possible to avoid disturbing others who are trying to concentrate.  

Please set your phone to silent before entering the Library. There should be no cell phone or video calls in the library. Incoming calls that occur can be answered and then immediately taken outside of the library doors. This limits conversations that do not need to take place in the library from adding the noise level.

Food and Drinks

Drinks are allowed if they are in a spill-proof container. Travel mugs and bottles are acceptable, but cans and fast-food cups (including Tim Horton’s) are not.  Please be careful with liquids around electronic equipment. 

Food of any type is not currently allowed in the library.

Clean Space

Please help keep the space comfortable by leaving the space at least as clean and tidy as you found it.

Remember to push in your chair and take any garbage or recycling to a bin. If you are responsible for any spills or crumbs, library staff would be happy to provide you with the tools to clean up.

Any items left unattended will be brought to lost and found as soon as possible.

College Policies

The library team expects visitors to behave according to College Policies. The two policies that discuss items most relevant to behaviour in the Library are Student Rights and Responsibilities and Discipline Policy (2000-5-1) and Library Services Policy (4000-6-8)